Interests: Collaboration
We’ve worked with some of the globe’s biggest brands and some of the smallest. Whether it is television, long-form, short-form, digital content, documentaries … we bring it to life.
Figuring It Out
BRONTOSAURUS! is the world’s answer for when production companies are too rigid and advertising agencies are too… wait, are you an advertising agency? Never mind. You’re awesome!
Who works for BRONTOSAURUS!?
There are just enough of us to get the job done and not nearly enough of us to ruin your inbox.
BRONTOSAURUS! Are you shouting at me?
Just enthusiastic.
Do you make the kind of thing I’d like to make?
If you’re ready to take hold of this moment, gather our collective wisdom, and apply it toward a deeply felt story experience for your target audience, then yes. If you’d like to make a David Fincher movie, then no. For that, call David Fincher.
My agency says production is in its DNA. Is production in your DNA?
DNA is in our DNA. Everyone who works at BRONTOSAURUS! is a real carbon-based person with a real allergy to jargon.